16 Veedu Manamagal - KARTHY, Krishnakumar

                Detailed profile of KARTHY, Krishnakumar

KARTHY, Krishnakumar
Age 35
Education BSc IT / Computer Science
District/City/Country Chennai
Rasi Mithunam
Star Thiruvaathirai
Thali Kombu Thali
Kulam Kanthiyavar
Company, Work Location IT Software company in BANGALORE
Monthly Income in Rupees 35000
Mobile Number 9845185223
Alternate Mobile Number 8971463223
PIN TD16F0000019
Family & Other Details
Own house in Palakkad city, Kerala. Two Elder sister's got married and living in Bangalore. Ms.Karthy's First marriage got mutual divorced within 3 months time after marriage, as due to Physical negligence and Educational ego issue. (No children)
Partner Preferences
Looking for a Good and decent family guy, working in IT/Engg/Accounts in Bangalore/Chennai/Coimbatore/Foreign. Divorced or Widowed. (Without Children)