8 Veedu Manamagan - Moorthi , Avoodaiyappan

                Detailed profile of Moorthi , Avoodaiyappan

Moorthi , Avoodaiyappan
Age 39
Education LLB
District/City/Country Chennai
Rasi Meenam
Star Revathi
Thali Pottu Thali
Kulam ???kulam.pasupathiyarpachaiyar???
Company, Work Location Madras high court,
Monthly Income in Rupees 24000
Mobile Number 9566946051
Alternate Mobile Number 9566946051
PIN TM8M0002273
Family & Other Details
Hi uncle/aunty, First of all my name ak moorthi native place tirunelveli, my father army man,mother house wife, but but not they (late), then two siblings one brother one sister, my brother sub inspector of police, I am advocate now practice in madras high court , then further details you can contact no 9566946051
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