8 Veedu Manamagan - Suresh , Bakthavatsalu

                Detailed profile of Suresh , Bakthavatsalu

Suresh , Bakthavatsalu
Age 50
Education BA
District/City/Country Chennai
Rasi Thulam
Star Visaakam
Thali Pottu Thali
Monthly Income in Rupees 50000
Mobile Number 9790637547
Alternate Mobile Number 9940379689
PIN TM8M0002456
Family & Other Details
Hi, I come from a Traditional background family and We are a family of six, My father passed away and Myself and my Mother are living together and I have a Eldest Sister married, and elder Brother Married and My younger Brother married. My Elder Sister son is in USA, and Elder Brothers daughter and son are in USA. My younger Brothers son will leave in one year to USA. Thank you.
Partner Preferences
The Bride must be loving, caring and wonderful character moulding upon all situations and Happiness will come her way. I assure to keep her all the well being come to her which I promise. We both will make the Home House and elders and children Happiness.life fill the home. Limited friend circle, and family friend at occasions visit us. I assure at all means I will love you from the Day 1.